
A Note from Your Safe-at-Home Publisher--April 11, 2020

By Kimberly French, Editor and Publisher of Macaroni Kid Portland April 11, 2020

Wow. For those of you who know me personally, you know that not much leaves me speechless, but so much in the world does right now. Sometimes there just aren't words and we just have to feel. Not in our wildest imaginations could most of us have conjured up the situation we're in right now, but here we are. So, we do our best to find the positives (and there are many, I promise) while simultaneously allowing ourselves to feel the sadness, the worry, the fear. Our new reality is hard; there's no doubt about that. It's hard and we all need to give ourselves the grace to try and (maybe) fail, the permission to let go of guilt (sitting around in your pajamas all day is OK), and, finally, the acknowledgement that this, too, shall pass with time and we'll be stronger humans for it.

As many of you are reading this, you may have learned in the past week that your kids aren't going back to school this school year and you're going to have to continue guiding them through their studies. Maybe you or a loved one is on the "front lines" of this situation, being an essential worker. Perhaps you (or your spouse) has lost a job. Maybe you know someone who is sick, or you are sick. Please know that I feel for each and every one of you and I am sending virtual hugs and positive thoughts your way.

I may not be able to make everything better, but I sure can share some great ideas and virtual events with you in the hopes that I might make the parenting portion of your days a little easier. And, as the week goes on, I'll be adding more and more events to the calendar, so keep checking back in at for more.

Make the best week you can, everyone. Enjoy your macaroni!

Always be humble and kind.

My best,
