
An Uplifting Note from Dr. Stacey at Family Chiropractic Associates

By Sponsored Content for Family Chiropractic Associates February 17, 2020

Here's some food for thought from one of the amazing doctors at Family Chiropractic Associates

"You were designed to be and feel extraordinary. Not just ok. Not just getting by pretty well. Extraordinary. This is your body's natural default.

As chiropractors our job is to remove any interference that is blocking your body's ability to heal and be well. What are known as subluxations. With that, the sky is the limit as to what you might notice improve.

So we encourage you to be pro-active with your health and give your body the core things it needs to be well: fresh, whole foods free of chemicals, regular exercise, high quality rest, healthy relationships, satisfying work, lots of laughter, plenty of clean, pure water and a spine that is flexible and strong with a free and clear nerve system running the show. Given these things, it is amazing how quickly you can turn your health and your quality of life around."

~Dr. Stacey

Stop in for a consult and tell them Macaroni Kid Portland sent you. You deserve it.